Wes Boyd's
Spearfish Lake Tales
Contemporary Mainstream Books and Serials Online

Picking Up The Pieces
Book Five of the Bradford Exiles series
a novel by
Wes Boyd
©2005, ©2007, ©2011

"I love you, Dave!"

When Dave heard his wife's last words on his cell phone as he watched the World Trade Center tower fall from the sky, he felt that except for his two sons, his life wasn't worth living any more. But then, some unique old friends came out of a past he thought he'd put behind him, and helped him put his life back together again in ways he never could have expected.

And then it was his turn to help his friends when problems arose in their lives . . .

Dedicated to those who died . . .

. . . but also, to those who had to pick up the pieces of their lives and put them back together after September 11, 2001, and to those who helped them do it.

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Click here to read "Common Prologue to the Bradford Exiles."
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