Wes Boyd's
Spearfish Lake Tales
Contemporary Mainstream Books and Serials Online

Book Two of the New Tales of Spearfish Lake
Wes Boyd
Copyright ©2010, ©2012

The horizons in Spearfish Lake seem to close in more and more on Susan McMahon after she returns from spending her junior year of high school as an exchange student in Germany. She speaks several languages fluently and has a wider view of the world than most. Now, she's finding it hard to fit back into the town where she grew up, especially since her year away from school is causing her problems. But, it's not a good idea to cross Susan or her family, as they don't take stupidity lying down.

Readers familiar with Busted Axle Road will remember Susan being born. Most parents think their kids grow up to be something special, but Susan is a little different than they expected!

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Author's Note: A number of German and Japanese terms are used in this story; a glossary is included at the end and is accessible through the links on the page. Brief explanations of the words are also available by moving your cursor over the word to use the "tool tips" embedded throughout to many of these terms. All terms are German, unless noted otherwise.

NOTE: Some German locations are fictional, as are some American ones.
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