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Wes Boyd’s Spearfish Lake Tales Contemporary Mainstream Books and Serials Online |
As things worked out, they qualified for yet another cigarette before they finally fell into an exhausted sleep in each other’s arms, their sweaty bodies snuggled skin to skin. If there was an alarm clock in the room it hadn’t been set, so the sun had been up for several hours before Bob finally began to wake up. For a moment, he felt a bit of disorientation – he was in a strange room, a strange bed, and strangest of all, he felt a strange but welcome sensation washing over him. As the fuzziness of sleep began to steal away from him, he realized that he wasn’t alone in the bed – and not just in bed, but that someone was down under the covers, working on him. That was something that had never, never happened to him before, and it yanked him into wakefulness about as fast as anything could have managed to do. Then it hit him – Sharon! And last night, oh, Christ, what a night that had been, he’d never had so much concentrated fun or concentrated sex in his life.
Thoroughly enjoying the sensation but still somehow not quite able to believe it, he opened his eyes, peeled back the covers a little, and sure enough, there was Sharon looking back at him. “Good morning, Sharon,” he said
“And good morning to you, too, Bob, she smiled at him.
“That is absolutely the best wake-up call I’ve ever had,” he smiled down at her.
“You were hard enough to wake up,” she grinned. “I think I’ve been awake for an hour or more, thinking about last night and what we talked about. You sleep very soundly, Bob. And by soundly I mean that you snore, too, but not objectionably. Do you know that cats snore too? When I was little we had a cat that snored. She was just a little tortoise-shell, very cute and very cuddly, but occasionally she would just snore her little heart out. Cats are fun, I love their grace and the stylish way they move. They’re quite pretty. I don’t know if you’re a cat person, Bob, but I like cats even though I’ve never had one after I left home, since I’ve always known that I’d never be in one place long enough. But time after time I’ve seen kittens that have just begged to be adopted. They’re always so cute and cuddly and I’ve often wished I could take one home, but I’ve never been able to. Or are you a dog person? I think dogs are all right but they always strike me as being kind of stupid, what do you think? And clumsy! Bob, even a good looking dog always seems to be tripping over his own feet. I’ve often thought that it would be nice to have a dog curl up on the bed to sleep with you, but a cat would be so much nicer. But Bob, you were better yet. I want you to know I really enjoyed last night, and I can’t believe how nice you were to me or how much you made me come. I just about blew my mind time after time the way you made love to me, so when I saw you sleeping there I thought that a really good way to thank you would be to wake you up like I did. You don’t mind, do you Bob?”
She stopped to take a breath and it gave Bob a chance to get a word in edgewise. “I don’t mind it a bit, Sharon,” he smiled. “You can wake me up like that anytime you feel like it.”
“You were very, very good Bob. I know you must have learned some of what you did from those professionals, but if that’s what it takes to learn, then well, I guess. You know, it’s just too bad that there aren’t professional men that a lady can hire to enjoy some of those things that she likes from someone who knows how to do it, even if she had to pay them. I mean, a woman can be better at licking pussy than a man but when a man is good at it women ought to be able to enjoy it once in a while, don’t you think?”
Boy, she really has the turbo switched on this morning, Bob thought. Either she’s just normally hyper in the morning or she’s nervous about something. I’ll bet I know what she’s nervous about, too. “Well, if you want some more of that, slide up in the bed or turn around or something so I can get at you,” he smiled.
“Well,” she said in a feigned huff, as she slid up in the bed and spread her legs. “I thought you’d never get the hint.”
She smelled hot and musky, literally reeking of her excitement, and he gloried in it – it may have been the best thing he ever smelled. He took a long lap up her lower lips, then nestled his tongue down in them, searching for, then finding her hot button and beginning to lick away at it to the sound of her cries of delight. Yes, he had been right the night before, she had a pretty good patch of pubic hair, not particularly well trimmed back so it seemed likely to assume that she didn’t get to wear a swimsuit very often. “Oh, yes, Bob,” she said in a husky, sexy tone. “Oh, God, I love that, Oh God Oh God Oh please don’t stop, oh, oh, oh God oh Bob please I love it”. Her hands went around his head to keep his tongue from getting away from her as if he wanted to get it away, and the volume of her cries of delight increased by the second: “Oh God, Bob, Bob, Oh God, BOB, OH GOD OH OH OH OH OH GOD I LOVE THAT BOB OH GODDDDDD!”
As her cries died out, he disengaged from her, and slid up her body, coming to a stop at her breasts. While he’d played with them a lot over the night, and had a great time tonguing them, watching and feeling her ecstatic reaction, this was the first time he’d actually had enough light to really look at them. It was a treat. They were not particularly large, but firm and nicely rounded. Best of all, she had large, dark areolas with big firm nipples in the center. “Oh, those are nice,” he said, taking a lick at one of the hard, engorged nipples while he played with the other one. “In fact,” he continued. “Those may be the prettiest I’ve ever seen. Has anyone ever told you that you have nice boobs?”
“I don’t think they’re particularly nice,” she said. “I wouldn’t mind if they were bigger.”
“No, you don’t,” he smiled. “I wouldn’t change a thing even if I could. They’re just big enough to look sexy if presented well, but not too big for a handful. You have gorgeous nipples, and they’re very sensitive. Would you like me to prove it?”
“They’re still a bit sore from you proving it already,” she replied. “But I won’t mind at all if you make it worse.”
“Since that’s the case,” he grinned, then put his lips back to one of those luscious nipples as he put his hand to the other one, massaging it, rolling the hard nipple between his fingers, getting little moans of excitement for his efforts. Like in everything else, she was very verbal in her response. “Oh, Bob, oh, my that feels good …” and so on. The effect was to turn him on, too; he had very quickly grown to love how loudly and ecstatically she responded to his actions – it made him feel like he was doing the right thing, and it was wonderful to feel her moan and writhe at his touch. Somewhere in the back of his head he realized that he should have expected her to be as loud and verbal and hyper about sex as she was, considering how verbal and hyper she was about everything else. She was very responsive and showed it, and it was a new experience for him. While the women he’d been with in the past had been active and verbal, he’d known it was mostly an act, while he knew that it wasn’t with Sharon. Presently her words and moans became louder, and they started to be mixed with pleas of “Oh, Bob, fuck me, fuck me again, please Bob, please,” and words to that effect.
So he did. He rolled her on her back, and she spread her legs eagerly to await him.
All too soon it was over with. “Oh, that felt wonderful,” she finally managed to say. “You have no idea of how much I love that, even the exhaustion afterwards.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” he said, his own breath getting under control now. “You know I often wonder which I enjoy more, the fucking or the coming.”
“That’s a good question,” she smiled. “I love the force and the power and the sensation of being penetrated like that, but the coming just adds icing to the cake.” She let out a long sigh, and continued, “You know, I wish we could stay here and do this all day, but I’m afraid I’m going to be sore, now. But it’s a good sore, and I’m happy you made me this way.”
“I know what you’re saying,” he smiled. “I’ll tell you what, I think I’m going to have a date with a bottle of aspirin just as soon as I can find some. I’ve got muscles that are screaming now, and God knows what they’re going to feel like when they get settled in. I’m not as young as I used to be, and there are limits to what a person at my age can do.”
“I have some aspirin in my purse,” she offered. “And I’ll have some with you. Bob, I dearly enjoyed the last few hours, but I think we’re both going to have to have a short breather to recover.”
He gave her a big smile, then leaned forward to plant another kiss on her lips. “I hope you realize that if you decide to come to Colorado with me, that we’re not going to be fucking until two or three in the morning every morning and then have a couple quickies when we get up. Not that I wouldn’t love to do it, but the flesh is weak even if the spirit is willing.”
“Yes, we still have to come to a decision on that, don’t we?” she smiled. “Bob, are you in a great hurry to get back to Colorado?”
“Not really,” he said. “There are things that I have to do, but most of what I know I have I can do either online or on the phone to hold them off for a bit. I’ve got plenty of vacation time coming that I can take without any problem. All I’ll have to do is call back to the office, but I can’t do that today anyway.”
“Oh yes, it is Sunday, isn’t it?” she smiled. “I’ve found that when I’m not working I can lose track of the day. You know, a calendar is only good for when you have some idea of what day it is already, don’t you? When you’re totally lost as to what day it is it is very difficult to figure it out, and it’s embarrassing to stop someone on the street and ask them if it’s Monday or Wednesday and then find out it’s Thursday. I’ve had that happen to me, Bob, in fact I’ve had it happen more than once. One time when I was in Pusan I actually misplaced a whole month. A month, Bob! Just like it had been lost in some kind of time warp, it was January and all of a sudden it was March and I have no idea what happened to February. It was just gone, Bob, gone! The only good thing I can say about it is that since it was February, that meant that the winter was that much shorter and spring came sooner, which was good since I hate winter and the winter in Korea is really damp and wet. While I was there I read a little about the Korean War, and all the talk about how wicked the winter was for the soldiers, and I believe every word of it. Pusan in the winter is about as attractive as hell with the fires out anyway, but then when you get right down to it so is Buffalo. I’m going to be so very glad to be out of Buffalo now that I’m not working there. I mean, if I had known what I was going to do next I would have been out of there in a flash. Do you understand me, Bob?”
“I understand that you’ve made up your mind about coming to Colorado with me and you’re nervous about it,” he smiled. “Or that you haven’t made up your mind and you’re nervous about it.”
“Well, yes, I suppose I am nervous. Your offer is very kind but I have some doubts that I feel I must sort out. Having your body here pressing down so delightfully on mine is really making me consider the advantages of coming with you. There are some real advantages and that thing that you still have stuck inside me is one of them, I can’t deny it. But Bob, I’ve never really lived with a man before, all my roommates have been women. With the exception of Laura none of them have been lovers, and she and I weren’t lovers very long. So this is all very new territory to me and I have some concerns that I haven’t totally worked out in my mind, but I know that I have to do something and this is possibly the most appealing thing that I have ever come up with. I’ve often struggled with the question of what to do next and sometimes it’s been a real struggle, Bob, it’s been hard. This is one of the most appealing offers I’ve ever had, but somehow I can’t help but wonder if it’s too good to be true, to have you swoop down out of nowhere and carry me off in your arms. Not that I’m complaining, the last few hours have been marvelous, but it’s all so very quick that my head is still spinning. Feeling your warm body on mine and your glorious touch is just making it spin that much faster and I really don’t know what I want to do.”
“I can’t help you with that,” he smiled. “I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to talk you into it, I’m presenting it as an option that I’d like to pursue, but it has to be your decision. I hate to say it, since I really love just laying here and feeling you up against me, but maybe we ought to think about getting up, having a shower, getting some breakfast and talking about it without the danger of hearing you lapse into screaming, “Fuck me, fuck me.”
“I did not scream ‘fuck me, fuck me,’” she smiled. “I admit to moaning in excitement a few times, but I think calling it screaming is pushing it a little too far, don’t you, buster?”
“Tell that to my poor, battered eardrums,” he laughed. “I’m just hoping no one in the rooms around us had trouble sleeping. It couldn’t have been too bad, though. I didn’t notice the night manager coming by to knock on the door and tell us to keep it down. But I can’t believe we weren’t close to it.”
“You’re pulling my leg, you know that, don’t you?” she teased. “I admit to enjoying sex, even to feeling enthusiastic about it, but screaming? I think not.”
“Would you settle on ‘shouting’? That’s probably a good description.”
“I think that’s a little extreme, too,” she laughed. “But I don’t think we need to take a poll of our neighbors to find out. You know, I did that once, no, more than once. Well, I conducted phone polls several times, but only once as a door-to-door thing, it was very interesting, but it could get scary at times. Some of the neighborhoods I had to go into were just, well, you wouldn’t believe how the people lived, Bob, you wouldn’t believe it. Very often people did nothing but sit around and watch television, even when they had a guest in the house, and I found it rude, Bob, very rude. But there’s no accounting for people, is there? One time I was in a neighborhood, not a real rich one or a real poor one, just a nice middle class one …”
Bob let her babble on for a while as he lay there on her body. She was trying to avoid a decision by talking her way past it, and he realized it. Well, there was no great rush, it wasn’t something that absolutely had to be decided today and perhaps it would be just as well if it wasn’t. She was obviously having trouble with the decision, and it could go either way. And she was right, it came out of nowhere for the both of them; unless it was later than he thought it was still less than twelve hours since they’d met after a twenty-year separation, and that was awful damn quick, no matter how you cut it.
But there was one thing he had learned in the last twelve hours, if nothing else: how nice it was to be in bed with a woman who didn’t have one eye on the clock while she was fucking you. For that matter, he had lost track of time; it was light outside, so obviously morning, but whether it was six a.m. or noon, he couldn’t say. His watch was on the bedside stand – getting to it would involve getting off of Sharon, who was continuing to babble on beneath him.
On the other hand, maybe that wasn’t a bad idea at that. He could smell himself and he could smell Sharon, and while the smells seemed very natural and musky right now they would be objectionable before very much longer. Besides, he needed that aspirin. His back was sore, and his elbows and upper arms were beginning to get that way as well. Oh, well, all good things must come to an end, and this had been a night to remember if there ever had been one.
“… so I took her down to the pharmacy with me, and we had to wait in line for the longest time, but finally we got up to the druggist …” she babbled on while Bob waited for a small break in the flow of words to be able to get a word in edgewise. “… and he was rude, Bob. Rude! Can you imagine that, a public servant, well, at least a person in the business of serving the public, and he was just so snotty you couldn’t believe it. You’d think he’d never seen a person in need before. What do you think about that?”
“I think maybe we’d better knock it off and get up. I think it’s nice that you’re so kind to dogs and old ladies,” he said, proving that he had been listening to her with at least part of his brain, “but I’m really needing that aspirin, and I suspect you might too. Besides, I think we both need that shower we were talking about.”
“I think you’re right,” she replied. “But, Bob, listen to me first. I said to him, ‘Mister, how can you be so rude to a nice woman like this …” Like a lot of Sharon’s stories, they were largely pointless but there was often a deeper meaning hidden in them somewhere, and Bob tried to pay at least a modicum of attention to her ramblings as he took matters into his own hands, gathered himself up, pulled out of her and got upright on his knees, before rolling out from between her legs and sitting up on the edge of the bed. He reached for his watch: a touch after nine, not too bad, considering how late it must have been before they got to sleep. That all added up to a short night, but what a memorable one.
Not taking even a minor break in her story, Sharon continued talking steadily as she sat upright, gave Bob a quick hug, and stretched a bit. Like him, she sat on the edge of the bed … then something snapped and she stopped short of whatever the final point of the story was, switched gears, and said, “Wow, that was quite a night, wasn’t it, Bob? I thought I would be sore when I got up and I am, I’m so sore I can hardly believe it, but Bob, it’s a good sore, since you gave it to me by ramming that big tool up me half the night. It’s only nine? I can hardly believe it! One of the nice things about motels like this is they usually have nice big showers with lots of water pressure and I find that heavenly. I love to stay in motels like this for the showers, even though I can rarely afford to stay in a place like this and shouldn’t have spent the money this time. Why can’t they put showers like that in apartment buildings? I mean, it can’t cost that much more, can it? But no, the shower in my apartment has just this little trickle of water when it’s wide open, I swear I can pee harder than that, so to have a motel shower is so very sensuous, won’t you join me since there’s plenty of room?”
The last part of that sentence was proof enough of his theory that it was always worth listening to Sharon, since you never knew when she was going to drop something important into the middle of what she was saying. It was clear to him that about the time that she dumped the story about the old lady and her dog some sort of decision had been made, or at least a step toward a decision. He had remembered from high school that Sharon often took a veering approach to things, and the last twelve hours had only reconfirmed that memory.
“Of course I will,” he said. “I was just getting set to ask you. I could stand a good shower and I’ve always thought it would be nice to bathe with a friend.”
“I’ve done it a few times,” she smiled. “Although, I must admit, never with a friend of the male persuasion. Laura and I did so a few times and it was a very sensual experience, so I really plan on enjoying this. How do you like your water? Warm, hot, or hot enough to take your skin off? Or, my God I hope not, but cold? I can’t see how anyone could enjoy a cold shower at any time. I mean, even if you’re very hot, it strikes me that taking a cold shower would just about kill you from the shock, but you’re from Colorado now where there lots of people like the cold –”
“Warm, going on hot, thank you,” he said, taking her by the hand and leading her toward the shower near the front of the room. “I got stuck with enough cold showers in the army, I don’t want to go through that again if I can help it.” It was only then that he noticed that the drapes in the room had been pulled; they’d been open last night, he could clearly remember looking out onto the parking lot, albeit from the second floor, from the darkened room. That meant that Sharon must have been up at some point – or he might have been. That was surprising, usually he would have had to piss so bad it wasn’t funny long before this time in the morning. There were times that he suspected that he might walk in his sleep occasionally, but he didn’t think earlier this morning was one of them. But there was no telling. However, even the thought of taking a leak made him need to piss, and badly now.
With that, there arose a procedural question, no, a question of manners: how did you take a leak when you were in the bathroom with a nude woman, about to take a shower. Just head over to the toilet and let it fly, or get in the shower and sneak it. Either one was rude, but which one was ruder? It was beginning to be a real issue when Sharon headed into the shower, turned the water on at full pressure, then stepped inside, not letting go of his hand. That settled the issue, he’d have to sneak a piss in the shower, and he was sure this wasn’t going to be a quick shower. He hoped that the motel had a hot water heater big enough to last the time it took to get them out of there.